Monday 25 February 2019

Lincoln County War

High St, Lincoln City
Paul was visiting the club from Somerset this week - one of his regular visits, to combine a trip to the Tunbridge Wells Wargame Show and a visit to his old friends at the SAS Group!

Traditionally Mike N puts on a Wild West game for Paul's visit, this year the pair combine their assets to put on a fantastic Lincoln County War game.

Billy the Kid and Gorge Coe  were hole up with other Regulators in the McSween house and two nearby buildings whilst the opposing Dolan / Murphy / Seven Rivers faction were trying to kill them off.

In what became known as the Battle of Lincoln, the Regulators had to make their escape!

Detail form Lincoln City
On the night the McSween house burst into flames on turn one, forcing out the Regulators before they had a real plan and arguably before the opposing faction was quite ready.

Mike W controlled Billy the Kid, George Coe and the McSween household  based Regulators,who 
Lincoln City

skedaddled along the river tree line to escape chased by their opponents (controlled by Rupert) - maybe two turns of movement behind them.

To slow down the pursuers George Coe ducked back into the treeline and waited for the chaser to reach him,when he jumped out and instantly killed one and then engaged in a mammoth encounter with the remaining four characters in that group.

US Cavalry Faction
What started as a gunfight developed into a brawl and George eventually took out 3 of the 4 remaining enemy with his fists and boots only to finally fall to the bullets of the remaining chaser when
he was re-enforced by two of Dave's faction.

Another View
Meanwhile Steve, leading the Seven Rivers Gang and Dave with his faction chased the Regulators in parallel down the High Street flushing out Mike N's Regulators from their houses and taking down stragglers that found themselves stuck in the open at various times during the game.

Eventually the main body of the Regulators, including Billy the Kid,managed to exit the table, more or less intact!

Fun was had by all,next yer we're considering recreating the Magnificent Seven's final shoot out...

Finally apologies for the orientation of the photos, try as I might - I could not get the to display the correct way around!