Thursday 30 January 2020

AHPC X - From GrahameH - Second Entry - More Bits of the 21st Panzer Division (514 points)

Just finishing the last few parts of the 21st Panzer Div.

These are the transports for my German Infantry Battalion featured in my first entry. They are supposed to be P 107, but no one seems to make them in 15mm. So I have tried to convert some French half-tracks by QRF. Not great but they will do.
Two 15mm SdKfz 7 (Battlefront)

U304(f) 2cm Flak (Battlefront)

Captured Somua S-35 (Skytrek)

A bit more for my German Cavalry Battalion (15mm)

A SdKfz 253 (StuG) not part of the Battlion but I had some
grey paint left over and a SdKfz 221  (Both Battlefront)

Krupp Kfz 70 Truck (Battlefront)

15cm IG33 auf Panzer 1 (Battlefront) again not part of the Battalion
but I did mange to use the Grey paint up. 

Romans (15mm Essex 48 figures)

At last I decided to finish of my Early Roman Army,  so I ordered some figures from Essex. The Legionaries were fine but it seems they have change the Auxiliary javelin figures. The new ones are  much smaller than the ones I have and don't mix very well (I suppose I could but the size is very noticeable - so no i can't) Therefore finishing the Romans is on hold again until some old Essex Auxiliary come up on Ebay. :(

15mm Essex Ancient British (93 Figures)

Going through my lead mounting I found I had these, and as I had no auxiliary to paint I painted these instead.

Finally - Khurasan (15mm Late 16th Cent) Landsknecht (80 Figures)

These are for my French Wars of Religion armies. Two units (one smaller than the other but reinforcements are on order)

Hopefully I will finish off the German Cavalry Battalion by the next post and maybe the Numidian army. Which probably means I won't, and will paint something entirely different. I know, just can't help being a wargames butterfly.