Wednesday 18 March 2020

AHPC X - From MikeW: Elizabethan Foot (60 Points)

Well, with the world going mad over the last few days its been hard to find time to do as much painting as I'd have liked. Work and the real world has intervened!

Elizabethan Firing Line

Needless to say I have eventually managed to get the next batch of these Elizabethans completed in the nick of time, 6 x Musketeers who can form a firing line and a command pack of 6 figures, that make up two command groups of officer, standard bearer and drummer.

Command Figures #1

First off are the Command figures, each set has been done with a flag that will be able be changed according to scenarios, so the flag actually slides off the pole and can be replaced by another as needed.

Command Figures #2

I envisage using these little guys in a Border Skirmish game, so they will eventually be given an English and a Scots flag each but I have not got to do these yet. The command figures are somewhat short on detail that you'd usually expect form a Foundry or Casting Room miniature, but they do paint up well.

Detail on three Musketeers

The firing line was fun to paint, all in different outfits but tied together with leather jacks, these are my favourite set to date.

More Musketeers

Not sure if I'll get time to do any more figures this Challenge, so I'll sign-off this post by saying thanks to everyone, especially Curt & the minions - enjoyed it hugely once again!