Thursday 26 March 2020

Self Hibernation Campaign - Summer 1861 - Units of Note

Already we have seen a number of splendid units take to the field to support their cause.

Iowa Chasseurs

In the rich industrial north we have seen Iowan, Paul De Krackere invest some of his immense personal wealth to turn out the 1st Iwoa Volunteer Infantry , aka The Iowa Chasseurs. De Krackers has also brought with him a large personal staff to attend to all his medical and publicity needs whilst he roughs it on campaign.

This well equipped,  and good looking unit from Des Moines, is certainly the most spectacular unit to be raised so far and makes their commander the envy of all ...
1st Vermont - The Victory Regiment

Meanwhile From the mountainous North East of the USA come the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont, under the command of the pro-abolitionist, John Holt-Oglethorpe, of that same state. Holt-Oglethorpe has furnished all the units in his brigade with Vermont styled jackets - piped and faced in green.

Many will know that Holt-Oglethope is a close and intimate friend of the Vermont State Governor, as such the Vermont 'Freedom's Vanguard' Brigade that he commands has been blessed with additional units to enhance its strength in the field. So they don't just look pretty, they fight well too!

56th Georgia

Moving South to see what we have there we must first call out John Henry De Lamar Clayton, a lawyer by trade, who has been instrumental in raising the 'Clayton Legion' to fight for Georgia (and Alabama's honour). From within that Legion's ranks we must mention the 56th Georgia Volunteer Infantry who have all rallied to the colours wearing distinctive Racoon Hats.

Another distinctive unit in this Legion are the Georgia Hussars, who'll be the subject of a future Units of note article!

Hazzard Fusiliers
Finally for this opening article we must review the Mississippi troops under the command of  Roscoe P. Coltrane, all of the units in this brigade are based around Hazzard County, with names like the Hazzard Fusiliers, Missiissippi Home Guard and the Hazzard City Greys. they will fight well for their cause.

All unit illustrations basis work originally published on