Sunday 29 March 2020

Self Hibernation Campaign - Summer 1861 - Brigadier Hugh I.E. Green's Virginians sing

Brigadier Hugh I.E. Green
Being a fire & brimstone preacher, Brigadier Hugh I.E. Green feels that the men from Virginia must respond to the music currently wittering across the valley from the ranks of General  De Krackere's Iowa Brigade.

Last night Brigadier Hugh I.E. Green penned a little ditty and said to this reported that   "Even if I say so myself, it’s feels quite a catchy little number. Hopefully it will catch on".

Words of the song:

Our flag is proudly floating
On the land and on the main,
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!
Beneath it oft we've conquered,
And we'll conquer oft again!
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!

Our Dixie forever!
She's never at a loss!
Down with the eagle
And up with the cross!
We'll rally 'round the bonny flag,
We'll rally once again,
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!