Sunday 24 January 2021

AHPC XI - From Grahame H, 15mm 1866 Austrian Army

My plan for this years challenge was to paint a 15mm 1866 Austrian Army. Given the limited size of my table, 6’x4’, I decided, unlike my other armies, to be sensible and paint an army that might actually fit on the table. So I decided to painted 12 infantry battalion, 3 cavalry regiments and 2 gun batteries. 

What I didn’t think I would do was paint it within the first month. 

All the figures are 15mm Essex, so rather than show you every unit, and avoid duplication, I have just taken some pictures that show the various units.

First the infantry battalions. There are 12 of theses, each with 32 figures. Every 3 battalions makes a regiments. The only real difference is a small coloured patch on the collars so I have only shown one regiment with its 9 figure jäger attachment and its 2 commanders. 

Next are the cavalry. 3 regiments each of 18 figures. 

1st Uhlan

1st Hussars

2nd Hussars

The artillery. Two batteries each with 3 guns and a limber. I only have one limber per battery as they are so expensive for what the actually do during a game and Essex don’t make an Austrian limber so I had to do some head swaps on some Prussian one.

Finally the CinC. I have painted a brigade general for each of the regiments in case I want to use a regiment as a brigade and fight some larger battles. 

So that is it. An army in a month and it only cost me a case of tennis elbow and a sore neck. It also seems I need to clean my cutting mat. 

I don’t think I’ll add any more to it (yeah right), well not during the challenge. I am now just finishing off my Prussian FPW army, which is a lot larger than this one. I may post some photos of these later as I only have the basing to do.