Tuesday 26 January 2021

AHPC XI, Mike W - 28mm Border Ruffians

A quick batch of 11 x 28mm Elizabethan Border Ruffians, I found these lurking in the 'to do' pile and after doing the Irish last week it seemed a natural progression to get these guys completed as well.

Finished group of figures

I believe that these figures are from the Reiver 'Flodden' range, so arguably a little early for the core Border Reiver period, however I'll use them as low status garrison troops or town guards etc.

Halberds at the ready

All of them are in leather jacks, with various degrees of chain mail and helmets present to give additional protection. All are in some kind of 'hose' rather than trousers - which seems to be the give away regarding exact period that they are from, however a number are also in riding boots and a couple are in bonnets that give them the Border Ruffian look and feel.

Some grim agricultural tools in use

As ever, I undercoated these in white and then allied various layers of paint to build up the base colours before using ink washes to highlight and shade as needed.

Guys with Bills

The weapons that they carry look pretty grim, a number of Halberds / Bills plus some pretty fierce looking agricultural tools converted to military use!

Two more of the little guys

All sealed with matt varnish and a fine sand and electrostatic grass finish to the bases

More agricultural weapons and a spear