Tuesday 5 January 2021

AHPC XI - Mike W [ The Golem's Haunt] Mummy Captain

In the spirit of depicting something re-animated, I have plumped for painting one or Reaper Miniature's figures - The Mummy Captain.

I usually show before and after pictures but I'm afraid with the frenzy of Xmas & New Year - I seem to have lost the before picture of this little chap, my apologies.

Completed Mummy Captain figure form Reaper Miniatures

I have had a hankering of doing a skirmish type game using Ancient Egyptian Undead and Early 20th Century Archaeologists for many years now. (Actually since the original Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark film came out in 1981 but I've never done anything about it in the intervening 40 years!).

It gives me an excuse to get some Warlord Games Afrika Korps plus convert some of my favourite Gripping Beast Arab figures to carry modern weaponry, maybe later this challenge?!

So for this figure I mounted it on a British 2p piece and undercoated in white. I then gave the 'Flesh & Bone' areas a coat of mid grey and the 'bandage' areas a coat of Earth colour.

I highlighted the grey with light grey and the earth colour with Vallejo's Light Sand. For the Head dress and belt I opted for a patterned blue and sky blue look, to fit in with the only other figure I have done for this Army, some years ago. All Trimmed with Gold and washed with blue ink.

Weapons were painted Gold, with Silver / Steel edges to give a highlight and then washed in Dark Brown ink to give an aged feel.

From the Left Side, showing Weapon Blade Edge

I washed the grey areas with a diluted Dark Tone and the Bandage areas with diluted Mid Brown ink, before applying highlight colours again.

The base was painted an appropriate Sand colour and highlighted, dried grass tufts and sand added to taste.

From the Rear with detail of the base finish, tufts & sand