to the Crescent Moon
M.G. Paul
De Krackere has overseen
the re-badging of 2nd Division, brought about as a consequence of
the merging of XI and XII Corps into the new XX Corps under M.G. Joseph Hooker.
Seeing that M.G. Hooker had introduced the badging scheme to the whole of his
Army when commander of the The Potamac, M.G. De
Krackere was not having our Division seen to be slow in adopting the new XX Corps identity.
This is a
bigger task than one might initially assume. Even I, a regular resident in the
camp, rather took the White-on-Blue Crescent for granted not appreciating how
widespread the use of the badge actually is or how useful it was to help find
my way around.
General Officers positional flags immediately come to mind, but every officer
and every soldier has the Division badge sewn onto their uniform, normally on
their hat/kepi. The badge has been stencilled onto all the wagons and
ambulances, appears on many Kit and storage boxes and even some of the
furniture. It is a useful aid to reducing petty pilfering from less honest
members of ‘other’ formations as well as being a unifying source of pride to
In Comes .... |
Out Goes.... |
A New
Star is Born
Byron Getwonphrey has supplied extra blue and white blankets, which
supplemented by remnant material of those cut up for the initial Crescent badging
last spring, have been distributed to the units, together with some helpful
Star templates. I can imagine what a mess the templates have helped avoid!
The new
XX Corps Star is the badge of the old XII Corps, now merged with XI Corps.
There is
a small saving of effort where old 2nd Division XII Corps personal
have joined us, while most of our new intake is actually new draft which would
have needed badging regardless of the merger.
was completed this morning when Secretary John Dupryting took delivery from a
rider from Federal Express Couriers of new 2nd Division stationery
produced by Etchaprint of Batimore. M.G. Paul De Krackere then dictated
a letter to M.G. Hooker, written on the new stationery.