Tuesday 16 February 2021

AHPC XI: From Mike W, More Undead Egyptians


Finished unit of 20 Spearmen

Another view of the unit

Unit in process of being built

Having shared that I found a source of more skeletons in the loft I thought it would be rude not to make them up and post them as soon as possible, so here they are!

The finished unit 

A unit of 20 spearmen plus the first of the three chariots that I found.

Rear rank of spearmen

Now the only disappointment was that on closer inspection of the frames, some grave robbers (well presumably me, many years ago) had already stolen many of the shields in the box for some other project! So back to square one and you'll see that most of this unit is currently without shields as a result.

3rd Rank

Figures were built and painted in just the same way as the previous batch of archers, sticking to the distinctive colour pattern that I have used for the whole army to date.

Second Rank

As these guys lacked shields I used some of my rapidly diminishing pile of desert grass tufts to make their bases look nicer.

Front rank / command figures and the last of my shields, standard bearer, musician and champion

Next is the Chariot which I rather like, the base colour is an old Citadel Enchanted Blue paint job, with gold trim washed in Army Painter Blue and Strong Tone ink respectively. Skeletons of the guys and the horses were done as per other figures and then all finished on the base with fine sand, and desert grass tufts.

I opted for the long thrusting spear option for the crew on this model,
will do another as an archer version and we'll see what I fancy for the last one...

From the left side

And Front on view

In terms of skulls then the Spearmen have 30 skulls and the Chariot add another 12, so a total of 42 Skulls