Thursday 25 February 2021

AHPC XI: From Mike W, 20 x Orc Big Boyz and 2 Goblin Fanatics

 Don't you just hate it when a back-up paint job suddenly becomes the main event, relegating another perfectly good job further down the painting queue!

The finished figures

Well that's what happened here, I am half way though painting another Ottoman Janissary Orta for my Siege of Venice project when, as is their want, these Orc Big Boyz bullied their way to the front of the queue!

Another view of the figures

Orcs and Goblin Fanatics

Oh well, maybe the Turks will be ready by the end of the week...

Figures as the tumbled out of the box that I found

What we have here is a group of 20 Orcs that spilled out of their box, undercoated and ready to paint. They are from the group of figures I found in the bowels of the loft a couple of weeks ago.

As it happens, when I looked at these closer, they are a mash-up of some left over Warhammer Fantasy Orcs and 40K Space Orcs, deliberately brought together to make 20 Big Boyz figures each armed with two hand weapons.

Rear rank of Orc Warriors

A fair number for them seem to be wearing kilts and I did consider giving the unit a Scots highland flavour but I chickened out of that in the end, in favour of a more dour appearance. 

Third rank of figures

These figures were spray painted in black as an undercoat - which I no longer do and ages these figures to be about 8, 9 or more years old.

So the approach I took was to paint in the flesh in green and then applied grey, brown and black paint to block in their clothing. Leather was also applied to belts, boots and straps etc where appropriate. 

Second rank of figures

One of the figures has an interesting body - a Chaos Warrior's body armour - obviously looted from a fallen foe. Many have weapons looted from other sources such as Beastmen and Chaos Warriors. the units banner is a looted Beastman banner, with Orcish paraphernalia added!

Command rank of the Orc unit, with musician, Standard Bearer and Champion

Another figure has been painted to represent a rare beast - an albino Orc! I painted this flesh a light green colour and then dry-brushed in progressively lighter greens and finally a linen and then white before applying a very light green wash. I gave this guy a back banner as well to highlight him even further.

My attempt at an albino Orc!

I gave the figures a matt varnish finish and used a mix of fine sand, electrostatic grass and green flock to finish off the bases.

Also in the box were two old Goblin Fanatics, I have painted these up and given them a red trim so that they can be added to the Red Gobo group I did earlier in the Challenge! 

Goblin Fanatics Close-up